The modern narrative of our beloved Civil War history often paints a quite different picture than reality. This is particularly true for President Lincoln or rather the fallacious image generated by state propagandists of the despot. For you see, it was the righteous Lincoln and his commitment to egalitarianism that laid the groundwork for civic nationalism and America’s emergence as a modern nation-state. Right?
The problem with this Abraham Lincoln is that he never existed. At least not in reality. We know for a fact that Lincoln wanted to send the blacks back to Africa—even four days prior to his death.12 We also know he handled lawsuits involving runaway slaves in order to return them to their masters, just as we understand that his emancipation proclamation did not free a single slave in northern occupied territories, or states that still remained within the Union.34 Finally, we know that he signed letters to all of the Slaveholding States where he vowed to support the Northern-proposed 13th amendment, The Corwin Amendment which would make slavery a Constitutional right. Many Lincoln apologists say that this was only an attempt to keep the South in the Union, but historical realists see that there was no reason for the South to secede if by their staying in the Union, slavery would be protected by the Constitution!5
What else could it take to blow the lid off the never-ending Lincoln myth? Or should we say, the myth of the kindly President Lincoln?
Perhaps a recently uncovered document has proven without a doubt that Abraham Lincoln, was more like the men the court-historians, BLM mobs, and blue-haired activists hate. A document that proves he himself owned and had slaves sold on his behalf. The following document is in the Regenstein Library of the University of Chicago, entitled “Lincoln's Order to sell his slaves, answer to RE Edwards, etc.,” Oldham Todd & Co., 1850.

Kevin Orlin Johnson, the author of The Lincolns in the White House found this piece of history in a dusty box at the Regenstein Library of the University of Chicago, unsurprisingly uncatalogued since it was bequeathed to the library in 1930. The affidavit was written in 1850 by the Lincoln family attorneys Kinkead and Breckinridge. It’s Lincoln’s answer to a Bill in Chancery filed in Fayette County about the disposition of property that the couple had inherited from Robert Todd (Abraham Lincoln's father-in-law). It certifies that Lincoln and his wife “are willing that the slaves mentioned in the Bill shall be sold on such terms as the Court may think advisable.”
We knew that when Lincoln married Mary Todd he inherited the slaves from her father’s estate, but up until recently we only assumed he sold them. It's a fact, that Mr. Lincoln inherited slaves and did not free them, as so many would assume a righteous egalitarian such as himself would, but profited by having them sold back into slavery.
Now, to the naysayers and Lincoln-worshippers who currently have a candle lit by his effigy, you might say, this was 1850—Lincoln was a changed man by the time of the Civil War. Was he though? As I previously stated, up until his death he was in favor of repatriating the blacks back to Africa. We also know that after the first states seceded in 1861, Lincoln sent letters to the state governors, telling them he supported the Corwin Amendment, a Northern proposed measure that would have permanently protected slavery within the U.S. Constitution.6
You may be wondering, why is it that I should care about dismantling a leftist idol?
I have a simple answer.
Most of the modern American attitudes toward “diversity,” racial relations, and the current demographic shift that is underway in the United States are defined by the pseudo-sacrosanct so-called Civil Rights Era, and that episode in American history is predicated on the false claim that America of old fought a Civil War for the sake of egalitarianism and racial equality. When we pull down the mask that our enemies placed on the despot Lincoln and the Union of the 1860s as a whole, we see not flawed egalitarians as so many Lincolnites attempt to claim as reality, but rather a hypocritical imperialist who realized they had to shift the focus of a war that they were losing support for to that of a moral crusade against their enemies, the allegedly evil, racist, and demonic South, and his anti-Southern henchmen in blue carrying out the whims of the empire. (However, that is not to say that all Union soldiers were aware of the darkness being conceived in Washington under Lincoln and the Radical Republicans.)
When the 13th Amendment is seen in light of this, you begin to realize it was nothing more than the Northern weaponization of the newly freed black vote to keep the South firmly under the heel of the rapidly centralizing Federal government. As the great American Civil War historian Shelby Foote once said,
“Believe me, no soldiers on either side gave a damn about the slaves.”
— Shelby Foote
In other words, a false Lincoln created by modern propagandists is used to evangelize Heritage America to accept demographic replacement, scorn their history, and ultimately hate themselves in service of an ideal that is as foreign to them as the flood of third-world immigrants drowning their country.
They hide behind the hand he had to play in preserving the Union and use that as their claim to American tradition. When in reality, they use this false image for the promotion of civic-nationalism and deracination which seem to be the only things they desire for all of us.
The Lincolnites, just like Lincoln are nothing but America-hating hypocrites. For, it was the sword of ole’ Abe that destroyed the Federal Union as it was conceived by the founders and replaced it with a despotic regime that continues to damage the soul of America.
Lincoln-Douglas Debates, 4th Debate, Part 1, September 18, 1858
The Matson Trial (October 1847), officially Matson v. Ashmore et al.
“For, it was the sword of ole’ Abe that destroyed the Federal Union as it was conceived by the founders and replaced it with a despotic regime that continues to damage the soul of America.”
H.L. Mencken saw and said it way back when:
“When the 13th Amendment is seen in light of this, you begin to realize it was nothing more than the Northern weaponization of the newly freed black vote to keep the South firmly under the heel of the rapidly centralizing Federal government.”
Ironic that modern republicants scream about current communists using illegals to affect the same political outcomes.
Equally ironic that republicants howled about colorado’s attempt to get trump off of the ballot using an amendment that was authored and passed by radical republicans during “reconstruction” (another communist ideological precept).